
The telecom industry has been divided into two major segments, that is, fixed and wireless cellular services. In today’s information age, the telecommunication industry has a vital role to play. Considered as the backbone of industrial and economic development, the industry has been aiding delivery of voice and data services at rapidly increasing speeds, and thus, has been revolutionising human communication. These applications include :

  1. Escalating use of social networking applications such as facebook, wikis and twitter
  2. Smart homes and home integration technologies
  3. Increasing use of IP technologies such as VoIP, IPTV and smart phones
  4. The proliferation of home networks, home entertainment and smart home technologies
  5. Superior and more advanced broadband networks such as the NBN. These initiatives will boost the Australian economy through eHealth, eEducation, eTravel and hospitality
  6. New approaches to media distribution through the internet
  7. The switchover to the new digital economy

Advantages of Telecom

There are a great many advantages of telecommunication that caused it to spread across almost every field of daily life. Telecommunications have improved people's ability to stay in touch with friends and family. Grandparents can receive pictures, emails, and videos of their grandchildren over the Internet. Families spread across continents can communicate inexpensively via email or with phone cards.

Telecommunications has changed the landscape of entertainment. People can access hundreds of television stations with the push of a button, getting instant access to enjoyable information. The information contained in MP3 files can be transmitted in seconds over the Internet, enabling listeners to enjoy music anytime and anywhere.

Telecommunications has also changed the way in which people work. It is now possible to commute from a beach, from home, or from anyplace where a computer, a phone or Internet service is available. These advances in telecommunications have not only untethered people from desks, but they have also made it possible for people who might traditionally be unable to be in the workforce- such as those who are caring for children, or those who are disabled- to have exciting jobs and contribute to the business community.